The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95289   Message #1851977
Posted By: The Shambles
06-Oct-06 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: What no Limbo?
Subject: RE: What no Limbo?
If it's good enough for boy scouts.................

This dance came originally from West Africa and was first popular in Trinidad. It is a test of skill and strength. If you have a good strong back and a good sense of balance you will enjoy it.

Two people, four or five feet apart, hold a long stick horizontally at chest height. A third faces them, places his feet apart and bends backwards from the waist. Then with little hops and shuffling steps he takes himself under the bar. If others join in, it can become a competition to see who can keep travelling under the bar as it gets lowered. Of course it gets more and more difficult as it gets lower. Bending your knees and arching your back helps.

Reggae music, drums or clapping make a good accompaniment to this feat.

Taken from: Hello World. The Scout Association 1985