The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95160   Message #1852007
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Oct-06 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
So, Speaker Hastert, this is somehow different than the Bill Clinton time, when the Repubs did every thing possible to keep the media heat on WJC? What goes around, comes around. And more importantly, all that moral high ground worthless rhetoric now comes home to roost. Time and again you have played that "traditional values" card. Since Newt Gingrich's time, you have played the "fiscal responsibility" card. Since shortly after the 9/11 tragedy, you have played the "only Republicans can keep us safe from terror" card. Today we have a high ranking Republican, who hypocritically made his name on protecting the youth of our country from sexual predators, resigning over advances he made on teenage boys entrusted to Congress for safekeeping to learn about Congress and how it works. We have Republican leadership that has known about it for a year, and took no action to safeguard these young folks. How is this traditional values? Fiscally responsible? What a laugh. We have the biggest deficit in history after being handed a budget and deficit that was in great shape. Safe from terror? We have created more terrorists, by a large measure, than we have killed. The world is more dangerous, we have made Iran the crucible from which will be forged the future and we have almost no hope of it coming out well for us, let alone the Iraqui's who trusted us.

Congrats, Hastert. You and the President will certainly be remembered by history. Somehow I don't think it is quite the legacy you had hoped for.

See you in a month.
