The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95160   Message #1852821
Posted By: Ron Davies
07-Oct-06 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
With all the easy cynicism that seems to pervade Mudcat, I hope people realize that if they want the Bush regime defanged, if not gone, they actually have to overcome their world-weary attitude next month and actually vote against the supporters of the Bush "team".

"Values voters" and other core Bushites may sit at home--and they may not.

This is at least the opportunity to stop Bush from any more undeclared pre-emptive wars, stop his assault on the environment, possibly end the tax cuts for the rich, etc.

But the Bush opposition needs to vote.

This shouldn't need saying at all--but with all the talk of throwing out one set of bastards and voting another set in---maybe it does need saying.