The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95160   Message #1853010
Posted By: GUEST
07-Oct-06 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Your view Ron, and the other tired old Bush bashing Democrats around here, are about as cynical and demoralizing a reaction to this scandal as anything I've ever seen.

You are every bit as amoral as the Republicans you so zealously seek to punish.

You have lost all perspective--and a good amount of your humanity, if you think this scandal is about what politicians can win or lose in November, by politicizing this. It's attitudes like yours that have so many Americans totally disgusted by "politics as usual".

Did you even for a moment, consider the kids who were on the receiving end of Foley's predatory actions?

No--what you and so many other partisan hacks think is "oh goodie, finally a scandal to drive the Republicans out of power".

Try winning elections the old fashioned way--you know, by actually having policies and plans that benefit the good of the nation.

OH WAIT--Democrats not having actual policies and plans with a shred of integrity is why we now have to stomach the Republican agenda.