The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95363   Message #1853741
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkrocker
09-Oct-06 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: Agony Column Leeds 79/80 T. Bliss?
Subject: Agony Column Leeds 79/80 T. Bliss?
i've been googling with little success for info on one of my old favourite
live gig new-wave bands.. Leeds circa 1978-81..
[Gang of 4 / Mekons/ Au pairs / agit-pop era]

"Agony Column"

the only thread of a clue on the internet is..

the possibility that a folk artist Tom Bliss ..

may have been a member of this band
[or a different band with the same name]

they released one 7" single that i'm aware of
[cant remember the title.. its in a box in the attic at my old mums house]..

just curious to find out if there were ever any other recordings in circulation..

cuz i'm at the age now when nostalgia is no longer backed up by memories..

i've been listening to a recently released "Delta 5" compilation CD..
just dug out my "Au pairs" CDs

..and the name "Agony Column" suddenly came out of nowhere
and re-emerged in my head !

i'd love to hear some of their music again for old times sake..

this is realy buggin me now.. i should have gone to bed hours ago..