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Thread #95160   Message #1854827
Posted By: GUEST
10-Oct-06 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Mark Foley Scandal
What a coward Foley is. Hasn't the guts to appear publicly, apologize, etc.

And as to this whole "the pages were old enough to give consent" business, here is a link to an article about a 24 year old teacher being fired for having sexual contact with a 17 year old student:

Another sad case

Here, it clearly isn't a question of age but of the teacher abusing his power and authority.

I would argue that this case is as important as Iraq, etc. Because when the political leadership is guilty of abusing their power and authority over others, it is time for new leadership.

I believe the US was poised to see a big loss in Republicans in Congress and state houses this year without the scandal anyway. So I don't think this scandal will be make or break it. As I said above, it's already been swept under the rug. Rep Foley resigned, to avoid having to pay the piper for his misdeeds.

Congress can't touch Foley or the aides that have assigned in the wake of the scandal now. And it is clear the Republicans won't do anything to rock the entrenched leadership boat before November, because their entire house of cards would collapse if they did. It would be akin to admitting wrongdoing, which is something this arrogant bunch simply doesn't do.

Will this scandal end up pushing the country over the edge and result in enough anti-incumbent voter anger to oust the Republicans from power? I doubt it. The Democrats are just too damn incompetent, lacking in vision, and are every bit as entrenched and arrogant as their Republican counterparts.

I'm thinking Karl Rove is sleeping just fine this week.