The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95358   Message #1855453
Posted By: Joe_F
10-Oct-06 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: A pleasant musical oddity (bimodality)
Subject: RE: A pleasant musical oddity
Some of those monks were pretty secular. Somewhere in Gibbon you will find an abbot (I think it was) who boasted that his vow of poverty had made him one of the richest men in Europe, and his vow of obedience had made him one of the most powerful. Gibbon commented, "I forget what he did with his vow of chastity".

On that subject, one of those folks' songs begins

Sevit aure spiritus
et arborum come fluunt penitus
in frigore silet cantus nemorum;
dum torpescit ver a solo,
tepet amor pecorum.
Numquam amans sequi volo
vices temporum
bestiali more.

"The breath of the air rages, and all the hair of the trees flows. In the cold the song of the woods is silenced. When spring lies stiff in the ground, the lust of the cattle cools. (But) as a lover I will never follow the changes of the seasons after the manner of beasts."

An unChristian observation, IMO. There is quite a bit of erotic detail in what follows. The only god mentioned is Jupiter.