The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95396   Message #1855598
Posted By: eddie1
11-Oct-06 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: Katherine Tickell - Channel 5 tonight
Subject: RE: Katherine Tickell - Channel 5 tonight
Great programme. If I were only 30 years, no, make that 40 years younger, A bit better looking, a lot slimmer and a much more accomplished singer/guitarist, she would have to beat me off with a stick!
On the notation v playing by ear front, a schoolteacher from way back then, played cello in a theatre orchestra. She told us that, on a long run, the music went from the paper to the fingers without really going through the brain. There was a long passage for the two cellos and her partner played a severely bum note. Afterwards, the offendee explained that the note crawled along the page and flew off - it was a fly!
