The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95444   Message #1855952
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
11-Oct-06 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: The 60's in Greenwich Village & Berkeley
Subject: RE: The 60's in Greenwich Village & Berkely
Thanks for that, Missouri Mud: And yes, Amos, Greenwich Village was dirty. New York City was dirty. If you lived there, you tuned that out, real quick. I still remember a wonderful New Yorker cartoon of a woman standing by an elegantly set table in an outdoor terrace of a penthouse calling to her husband , "Hurry up and eat your soup before it gets dirty." Same with derelicts and down-and-outers. I din't find them any more or less prevalent in Greenwich Village. Certainly, they were less ubiguitous than in Times Square or Houston Street. One of the reasons I decided that I wanted to get out of New York City was because you almost have to become oblivious to the suffering around you in order to survive, emotionally. Like a nurse in a health care center. You can't live if you are constantly upset by the suffering of others. At the same time, I felt at home the first time I walked the streets of the Village. It did feel human-scaled to me. Heck, you could even dawdle in the Village. Try doing that on Park Avenue and you'll be run over. I also found the Village very welcoming to the confidence-impaired. And I was the poster child for that. There was a sense of comaraderie (sp?) that was mostly real. When the first rumblings of the Folk Boom strated running through the Village, most people were genuinely happy when a friend was offered a recording contract.

Like most places and times, Greenwich Village in the early 60's encompassed the best and worst of people. It was all part of what made those days special.
