The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95443   Message #1855975
Posted By: Dan Schatz
11-Oct-06 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Where Have All The Americans gone?
Subject: RE: Where Have All The Americans gone?
Well, I just started a thread about an American traditional music festival. We'll see if anyone notices.

I've noticed that there is a lot of UK specific content - perhaps more than there is US specific content. On the other hand, there are lots of threads that apply equally well in both places, in Canada, and everywhere else. Being conscious that our more general threads will be read on both sides of the Atlantic might help us surpass those kinds of divisions.

As far as nasty comments - I know it's just my way, but I try very hard not to say anything gratuitously negative about anyone on the 'net, Mudcat included. Even if I were inclined to be snarky ( or "Mudcatty?!"), the knowledge that whatever I say here will be preserved in perpetuity through Google and other search engines would be a pretty convincing corrective. Do I really want "snarky" to be the image I present to the world? I don't think so.

It does sadden me to realize that some people have been disuaded from participating in the Mudcat because of that kind of unpleasantness. For me the overarching goal is always the preservation of folk music as a living tradition. Being nice to people (even when they don't yet know much) is one way to do that.

Just my 2 cents.

Dan Schatz