The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95306   Message #1855989
Posted By: Stewart
11-Oct-06 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
Subject: RE: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
I guess I'd favor Washington, Oregon, or California (in that order). We drive down to the Bay Area from Seattle several times a year to see our daughter, so that's all familiar territory. I wouldn't fly any place for a gathering - too much of a hassle with instruments, etc. and too expensive. And driving to the Rockies or any place "out east" (sorry, I grew up on the west coast and always considered those places as "out east") is just too far to drive. And I would guess that the majority of Western USA 'catters live on the west coast. There are some great places in Oregon, and Washington's not bad either, or northern California would be fine. So that's my vote.

Cheers, S. in Seattle