The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95431   Message #1856386
Posted By: Bobert
11-Oct-06 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Subject: RE: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Well, wait jus' a danged minute here...

I'm still alive, folks... I promise... I jus' checked my pulse and everything an' I ain't dead yet so call off this little wake you all got goin' on...

Well, yeah, the P-Vine is purdy danged determined an' she'll prolly get me in the box but seein' as I ain' there yet, ahhhhhh,....

(What exactly is yer point, Bobert???)

Okay, maybe I don't have a point but I'm still alive but...

... the P-Vine did have me up on the roof today cleaning the chimney an' there weren't nuthin' up there to fall over so maybe I'll jus' move up on the roof until whatever is goin' on ain't goin' on no more... Oughtta get good TV reception up there...
