The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95431   Message #1856448
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Oct-06 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Subject: RE: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Wal, mebbe she ain't tryin' quite hard enuff iz how Ah sees it. Yup. Thet's mah guess. If'n she was, ol' Bobert woulda been pushin' up the daisies long ago. Oncet a woman deecides thet her man has t' go, Ah figger the job kin be considered done. Them wimmens cain't be stopped when they puts their minds to somethin' serious-like. Any fool in the mountains knows thet! Yew mebbe cain't live without them but they sure as hayull kin live without yew cos there's more fools out thar where yew come from, jest a-waitin' in the wings. Any fool knows thet!

(say above in Slim Pickens' voice....)