The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95358   Message #1856528
Posted By: JohnInKansas
12-Oct-06 - 03:24 AM
Thread Name: A pleasant musical oddity (bimodality)
Subject: RE: A pleasant musical oddity
Bev and Jerry:

The first sentence of the site you linked -

When I created the harmonic school of Bimodalism in the late 1950s, I thought it should have occurred as a musical discipline before the advent of atonality. But, as we know, it did not.

Sorry, but this is some "genius" who thinks he's invented something new, but has failed to find and understand existing usage of the term. He's welcome to call his **** anything he wants to, but it ain't music to my ears, and it's NOT what those with whom I discussed bimodal music with very early in the 1950s were talking about. Those who demonstrated it to me cited usage a century before 1950.

The reason his stuff sounds like well digested used food is because he's thinking much too hard about how "original" he is. The atonality heard in his sample is strongly influenced by the creaking of his elbows while he's patting himself on his own back in the background.

I think we must look elsewhere for the conventional meaning of bimodal music.
