The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95403   Message #1857068
Posted By: mg
12-Oct-06 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: A week-end in Berlin
Subject: RE: BS: A week-end in Berlin
I haven't been since the Berlin wall came down, and I with my bare hands helped claw away some pieces. I went through Checkpoint Charlie I believed, saw all the people driving the other way in Yugos, stocking up on bananas.

What I could not believe was so contrary to what we had been told..that East Berlin was a grey communist archeological disaster and West Berlin was so different. Well, I have pictures of East Berlin at that time I can not distinguish from Venice it was so beautiful. I was there at Christmas after I think..and people had told me everything shuts down..I didn't think they meant each and every restaurant, place to find food etc. I was almost passed out from hunger from not fnding a place open but then I found a restaurant finally. Anyway, I still have a few chips of the wall and wrote my nieces' and nephews names on the remaining wall, passed some chocolate to East German guards who were still there...and I will always remember the sound of that chip chip chip as people took down little bits of the wall. Happy day. I know not everything is perfect there but I hope it is better.. but it probably is not for everyone. mg