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Thread #95490   Message #1857382
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Oct-06 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: Axis of Idiocy defends occupation
Subject: RE: BS: Axis of Idiocy defends occupation
A couple of thoughts, Ake. Bush may NOT have truly won the last election...or the one before it. They may both have been stolen, the last one by fixing the vote on the computer-controlled voting machines which leave no traceable trail and which were installed by good friends of the Republican Party. The exit polls in 3 key states on election day suggested most strongly that Kerry would win. I watched it throughout that day. He lost all 3 of them, exit polls notwithstanding, and that lost him the election. That suggests fraud, massive fraud, performed in a way that can never be traced.

If so, the electorate is not to blame...they are helpless in the face of a criminally controlled system.

A strong majority of the UK populace was clearly deeply opposed to going to war in Iraq. Their government didn't give a damn. That isn't representative government, it's a velvet dictatorship pretending to be a democracy, and going through the motions at election time. If Blair had not been in, the other guy (whoever) would have done the same, in my opinion, because the public's viewpoint is not a determining factor in imperial policy.

Had Kerry been elected I suspect it would have made almost no difference in US foreign policy. They would still have continued their occupation and their war.

You overestimate the choices offered to the American public by their moribund democracy. They really are offered little choice at all, only a variation in outer style...and that variation is done to fool them into imagining they have a choice. They don't. The real substance behind the style remains a policy of war and intervention across the globe, and both the Democrats and Republicans are in it up to their necks.

I suspect the same is true of both your Labour and your Conservative parties in the UK.

In other words, the game is fixed.

We don't have real democracies, we have pretend democracies which hold showcase elections designed to convince the mentally enslaved that they are free. And people buy it.