The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95443   Message #1858600
Posted By: GUEST,Patrick Costello
14-Oct-06 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Where Have All The Americans gone?
Subject: RE: Where Have All The Americans gone?
> There have been a number of threads started by Patrick Costello

Yeah, but they were just posts pointing to a free workshop. If there ever had been a full-blown thread I probably would have ignored it because, to be totally honest, I'm not really into talking about what I'm doing. The material is there and you can use it or not. I don't care either way because we're having a hard time handling the traffic we already have.

Hell, I just had to take the new Daily Frail series offline this morning until I can add some more bandwidth to our account.

The one thing I am seeing across the board when it comes to web forums is that things are boiling own to a collection of private clubs. "Normal" people stop by, see that the forum in question is a private club and move on.

The Internet is a great place to gather and distribute information, but it sucks ass as a tool for bringing people together.

Turn off your computer, go outside and make some music. The real world is a lot more interesting than the Internet.
