The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95443   Message #1858647
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
14-Oct-06 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Where Have All The Americans gone?
Subject: RE: Where Have All The Americans gone?
Steve-O, you can put yourself on whatever list you like - it is all a matter of choice. It doesn't matter what list any of us are on.

I am not a "fan" of the navel-gazing songs either, but the problem is you create a stereotype when you say that and end up dismissing some great songs - songs that have the potential to stand up with all those great songs that you feel comfortable with. There are some amazing writers among us and we are only cheating ourselves. As we get older, we tend to stick with the music that we "grew up" with and becomes comfort food for the soul. Hearing an old ballad might bring us back to happier times.

It is really like anything in the arts. Every generation will wrap their arms around a style and it becomes hard to replace. As individuals I would also hope that we find something to hold onto. I have a friend who is a huge fan of ragtime. Another Jersey boy loves bluegrass music and you would think he grew up in the South instead of Bayonne. What about all those white college students that adopted the blues of African-Americans during the folk revival?   

It all comes down to an individual finding something that appeals and speaks to them.   Hopefully that does not require the person to methodically tear down other styles that are out there. One mans ceiling is another mans floor to quote a great song.