The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95050   Message #1858890
Posted By: GUEST
14-Oct-06 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl - coward or traitor?
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl - coward or traitor?
Sorry about re-opening this - I really think all that is to be said on it has been and nobody is going to change their minds at this stage.
However, I feel I need to apologise for something I wrongly assumed.
Earlier in the thread I wrote that I had received a message from the editor of Dance and Song regarding MacColl's war record. I assumed that this was a genaeral posting and that I was one of many recipients.
I am assured by the editor, Derek Schofield that this was not the case and, knowing my interest in MacColl, he had sent it to me alone in case it had not reached the West of Ireland. He was not writing as editor of Dance and Song, but as somebody with a mutual interest in Traditional song.
Sorry Derek, Dance and Song and EFDSS.
You may put my knee-jerk reaction down to a tendency I have nowadays to over-react when I become aware of what I believe to be unfair criticism of MacColl to the detriment of the valuable work he did.
On the other hand, you are also welcome to consider it a result of my advancing years having turned me into a knouty old git.
Jim Carroll