The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18649   Message #185890
Posted By: Mick Lowe
27-Feb-00 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
Subject: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
This is something of a major undertaking.. namely to find the most popular/known Irish song.. world wide that is.

Now that doesn't mean the favourite song known/sung by us in the know, so to speak (though it does count in the overall scheme of things), more the likes of what your postman or butcher, or fellow work colleages think of when you ask them the question "Name an Irish song".. it's the "Number One" Irish song amongst the vox pop I am I'm trying to identify..

So if you are willing to participate in this and ask everyone you know and/or come into contact with during the daily grind of either earning a living, picking up groceries or dropping off the loved ones at school.. please let me know either via this thread or emailing me direct at

I am extremely interested in any feedback this can generate from those countries not naturally associated with Irish music..

And before I leave you with this mamoth task.. I should say.. although I appreciate and emjoy readiong through the various threads here on the mudcat.. and those of you who know me will appreciate this request.. I have of late had my pc stolen, so preferably I'd appreciate you sending any results to my email address as I can't readily access the mudcat..

Having said which.. the cat will be the first place to know whatever results this straw poll may produce.

I thank you in anticipation..