The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95431   Message #1859038
Posted By: Rapparee
14-Oct-06 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Subject: RE: BS: P-Vine is tryin' to kill me...
Okay, Bobert. Listen up. This sort of thing once happened to me.

I was outside working around the house when I stepped on what I later figured were the tines (that's the pointy things) of the rake. It sprung upon me, and it was only by sheer good luck and my famous of Avoiding Things That Could Really, Really Hurt did it miss my forehead and simply clip off one of my ears (later sewn back on by my wife, who's a pretty good sewer).

Well, I seized the thing as it was trying to lay back down in the grass and whacked it so hard against a tree that it broke.

Good thing, too. My neighbor, a herpetologist (a guy that for some reasons studies snakes) saw it laying there and told me that it was a Great Poisonous Rakesnake. These critters lay in grass and you don't step on 'em, they jump up and whack you in the head and if you fall down they swaller you jist like a common ol' rattler swallers a mouse.

Iffen I was you, I'd thank my lucky stars that I didn't fall down. As it is, I'm sure glad my wife could git my head under the working parts of her Singer machine and sew my ear back on, even if she did use one of them fancy-shmancy stitches.