The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95306   Message #1859100
Posted By: Barry Finn
14-Oct-06 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
Subject: RE: Western USA 'Catter Gather--Time/Place?
What's wrong with San Francisco? It's about mid way on the West Coast (like the Getaway) so it would draw equally from both the North(including Canada) & the South. SF & the surrounding areas is home to a large amount of catters (like the Getaway). It would draw those inland, at least those west of the Rockies, I think. It's easy & cheaper for flights, trains, buses & road travel. There's existing folk camps if that's a way to go or there are other festivals that are held all about the area if that's a choice too. I see east of the Rockies to the Great Lake to the Gulf to the Appalachians as more suited for a seperate Get-To-Gether in maybe the Kansas City-St. Louis area or even Memphis or Chicago area.

Of course none of this is near me but from this coast it's more of a likelyhood that east coast catter's that would go would find SF the easiest destination to get to. Because of the number of catters living in & around SF it would ease the difficulties of finding a stop over or a lending hand from an airport or bus/train station or even just hooking up with a ride or car pooling. The locals in the DC area are noted for their help althought not much is ever mentioned about this aspec of the Getaway. The mudcat folks in the Baltimore/DC areas help out with these small bumps in the road & it has made many from overseas that come over for the Getaway & alot of us other continental long distance travelers alot more comfortable & you can't imagine how much smoother the road gets when there are more than just a couple of hands willing to make an offer by being in a mudcat rich enviorment.

So that's my 2 cents for nothing, where ever it is though I wish that I could be there.
