The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95586   Message #1860864
Posted By: Peace
16-Oct-06 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: Canadian Mudcat Meet: Ormstown Quebec-July
Subject: RE: BS: Time for a Canadian Mudcat Meet

Canucks have an idiot just like Bush. As much as we think your President is a horse's ass, we are also aware that you are not him. My take on Canadians is that if asked, and if they dislike Bush's policies, they will say very directly and very politely that they think he's not very bright. But truly there is no way 'we' think of Americans as representative of their politicians. True story comin' atcha.

I live in the most redneck part of Canada. Few places more so than Alberta. A fellow on his way to Alaska--American plates on his car--seems to have fallen asleep at the wheel and hit another vehicle (Alberta plates) killing two people and injuring two others. He was banged up and so were the two survivors in the other vehicle. We got them 'packaged' and off to hospital and dealt with the dead. There was NO talk about him being a Yank and what idiots they all are, etc. In fact, people went out of their way for him so that he could get back on the road to Alaska. The Canadian 'dislike' of the US has to do with its politicians and some of its policies to do with soft-wood lumber, cattle, etc. But that dislike does NOT extend itself to individual American citizens. WE realize that many of you are as pissed off with Washington as are many of us.