The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95476   Message #1861031
Posted By: Barry Finn
17-Oct-06 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young men 'suicide'
Subject: RE: BS: Young men 'suicide'
Here's my dimes worth.
I believe it's more than just a case of the typical male stereotype of "kick the chin up" or "a stiff upper lip" or that males don't talk about what bothers them or that they're the "strong silent gender", though this does certainly play its part in it all. Male homosexuality for young adults is another cause of the higher rates for male suicide. Though the unwillingness of their acceptance may well be tied into the above statement along with religious reasons. I'd also say that between the high school & college yrs males are the more likely to put their macho selves in dangerous positions through drinking & drugs. So there are these social causes. Then added to that the victimizations of young men by their peers is another cause along with the pressures of a male dominated society & it's demands on it's males, There are the shooting by cop suicides & then the kids that just can't stand the torture of being bullied, so there are the environmental causes too. More so I'd think that a lot of the suicides are the results of medical cause too. Many of the neurological & mood disorders like ADD, Bi Polar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, etc are much more likely to appear in men. Though depression is more likely to appear in women, men are at much higher rate of going it without being treated & less likely to seek out help. Men are more likely to self medicate than women. So I believe here's also a reason why we have more male junkies & female, so it more like that death by drugs in a more common occurrence in males then females (I don't have that as a statistic though). So if this all is the case then it's no wonder that we opt out at a much higher rate than women. I do believe that it's a selfish act but then I don't think that's how someone else is going to feel is apriority at that moment & I don't think that all of them should be seen in that light either. There's also the pain of living, I do believe that for some the pain of life, especially those with disorders, is just to much & they can no longer live with it, it's just become to much for to long without an ending in site. I've been so close to death a few times, only a touch away, that I can understand how someone can finally give over & let go, it does look peaceful to the hurting. I'm just glad I've always been a stubborn, nasty fighter.
