The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95652   Message #1862310
Posted By: Desdemona
18-Oct-06 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad Back Question???...
Subject: RE: BS: Bad Back Question???...
I, too, suffer from periodic back problems, and they really can just suck the joy out of existence when you're having a flare-up. I had a bad week around the beginning of this month, which rendered me unable to participate in pretty much anything for 4 days...while painkillers can help you to relax and maybe get some sleep, what's really needed is something that will stop the spasms. I find heat pretty helpful, and a prescription muscle relaxant like Flexiril (sp?) can be useful as well. Last year I had the worst episode of my life, and after spending an afternoon in the ER on an oxycontin drip, they sent me home with Valium as a muscle relaxant, and it really seemed to help. Large doses of naproxen or ibuprofen if your tummy can take it...a good stiff drink often helps, too! Most helpful of all to me have been the very gentle stretching exercises given to me by a physical therapist (which I *much* prefer to chiropractic, I must say, having tried both)'s often possible to head a flare-up off at the proverbial pass if you recognise the signs and treat them accordingly.

All the sympathetic best; I hope she's herself again very soon!
