The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3113   Message #1862878
19-Oct-06 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: Halloween Songs [1]
Subject: RE: halloween songs
THe Woblin Goblin with the broken broom could never fly too high

cuz everytime hed take off another piece would break off and soon he would be danglin in the sky

Each evening just as he would leave the ground, his radio would say

"control tower to goblin: your broomsticks a woblin, you better make a landing right away"

It soon got so he could only ride when the witches took him piggyback, until one day he used his brain, and bought himself and airo-plane!

so if you look for him on halloween, you'll see him zip and zooooom, no harm can befall him, no longer can they call him, the woblin goblin with the broken broooooom.

I remember this song from when I was in elementary school, years ago, in mrs. mirros music class, haha they were good days =D