The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95672   Message #1863614
Posted By: 12-stringer
19-Oct-06 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swanno Mountain (Roscoe Holcomb)
Subject: Lyr Add: SWANNO MOUNTAIN (Roscoe Holcomb)
I'm going back to the Swanno Mountain
Lordy that's my home, baby, that's my home.

Got sixteen brackets on my banjo
Lord it rings like silver, baby, shines like gold.

I got a letter from my woman
Lordy she's gone blind, baby, she can't see.

repeat verse 1

I got a letter from my captain
Lordy he's in jail, baby, he's in jail.

repeat verse 1

Lyrics from the note booklet in the vinyl edition.