The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95595   Message #1863658
Posted By: billybob
19-Oct-06 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
Subject: RE: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
ok your views about Madge are yours!
However if we all sponsored a child in Africa we would not even notice the money and we would give a child a future, education and who knows what else.We may all have known what poverty there was and about the children who lost their parents to aids, but maybe the publicity has got to those peop;e who did not know?
We do not know how long the Ritche family have been in the process of this adoption, but now it is in the public domain how many of you are prepared to send money or sponsor a child?
Stop all this hypocracy , love her or hate her, get off your butts and HELP!!
You may get a lot more back than you think!Like letters of a childs progress at school even university!WE do not have to be millionaires to help... but it took one to get this response on Mudcat!