The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95595   Message #1864324
Posted By: Barry Finn
20-Oct-06 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
Subject: RE: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
My friends, a white couple, adopted a child in much the same way, from Viet Nam. No one was squawking about their choice. But they're not celb's. Once they went over seas it was done with within a week's time. Besides the news media couldn't have stired the tea pot into a tempest, no one would've given it a second thought.
What happens to a kid who doesn't get adopted in the UK?
OK, what happens to a kid that doesn't get adopted in the Sub-Saharaian region of Africa? In some African nations AID's is killing over 1000 people per day, that's not happening in the UK. The majority of the dying are women & girls. 20 million people have died from AIDS/HIV in Africa & 40 million are living with this today. The children of Africa need any kind of international aid they can get & adoption is one avenue. The majority of care givers their are grandmothers, their burden is self inflicted & it is killing them too but they are the hero's, if indeed there are any, just like adopting parents. If someone wants to adopt a child from there who's to say no. Any one who wants to cast the first stone at these parents, no matter who they are as along as they are willing & capable, should be held to public ridicule, including Yvonne Roberts who wrote that very bias editorial. Parentless kids don't need a woman like her, their lives are already tough enough.
Fair play to Guy & Madonna for their adoption, I don't hear of anyone whose in their shoes saying anything negitive. I know here in the US you can forget about trying to adopt a healthy white baby, it doesn't happen unless you've got eons of free time to wait. It still takes a village to raise a child & if the village cares what color the baby or where it comes from is then those living in it should not be raising children. I haven't seen much attention given to this AIDS crisis here on this forum & that is basically what this is all about. It's not about 2 high profile people that can't escape the trash writers that are are plague to their profession.
