The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18649   Message #186473
Posted By: SingsIrish Songs
28-Feb-00 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
Subject: RE: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
I am laughing here....thinking, also, that the most voted song will be "non-Irish"....I mean there are lots of grand Irish-American tunes out there that make the list.

But as with lots of things Guinness to name one, it took/takes the Irish to make them famous!!!!........BIG SMIRK!

Interesting comment you made, McGrath, re I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen starting out is my understanding that the lyrics at least were penned by an American fellow whose wife was off to Ogdensberg, NY visiting a (sick?) family member. And I wish I had the source material handy to give precise info.

Anyroadup, Mick Lowe, I shall commence my polling come tomorrow...

Mary Kate