The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95723   Message #1865111
Posted By: JennyO
21-Oct-06 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: football songs are they folk or traditional songs
Subject: RE: football songs are they folk or traditional so
Here's one with a difference written by Mudcatter Canberra Chris, a member of The Shiny Bum Singers:

We Are The Rugby Ones (Parody of 'I Am Australian')

Sometimes for no reason
We form those weird scrums
A form of male bonding
With our heads between our bums
Other times we line up
And leap into the air
But we look so silly when
The ball just isn't there.

We are large, but we are stupid
And from all the rugby lands we come
With leather balls, and silly headgear,
I am, youse are, we are the Rugby Ones.

Welsh sing 'Bread of Heaven'
In parts, for they are hot
English sing the chorus of
'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot'
And other songs are sung
In the bath after the game
But their words I would not
Repeat to you for shame.

by Chris Clarke

And here they are in action! We Are The Rugby Ones