The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95671   Message #1865552
Posted By: Charley Noble
22-Oct-06 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: October Shanty Session @ Press Room (NH)
Subject: RE: October Shanty Session @ Press Room (NH)
This was another fine gathering. It did start out slow with only three of us but the momentum picked up as Jeri, the Adventure crew, Barry, Carol, Maggie and Marc, Bruce, Dave, and several others swept through the doors and hove to.

We really filled the Press Room with sound and it's always great fun to watch the reaction of the casual shoppers who drop in from a break from shopping and then get sucked into listening.

I tried out Bob Watson's song "Neptune's Daughter" which he set to an Appalachian mountain tune (no, it wasn't me that done that deed). I need to do much more work on delivering the song but it's always tempting to try out something new.

What was the new song that Joanne sang? It sounded traditional but I hadn't heard her sing it before and she does a great job.

I also liked the international bottling company protest song that Jeri composed some years ago and which she and Carol sang. It may not be a sea song, except after the bottling company sucks out several gazillion gallons of water a year from New Hampshire's water table, the Atlantic Ocean will fill in the vacuum.

Then there were the Great Lakes songs that Maggie (from the Johnson Girls) led. And did Tom lead "Maggie May" in her honor? And Marc led a fine rendition of Woody Guthrie's "Reuban James."

JudyB and I had just returned from our recent visit to the UK the evening before and this evening was a great way to welcome ourselves home and overcome jet lag.

Charley Noble