The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95595   Message #1866091
Posted By: Lox
22-Oct-06 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
Subject: RE: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna

You're right, I'm being little hard on Madonna and she should be congratulated for the things you have listed above.

I do think though, that the kind of criticism you're talking about would be a nobler gauntlet for her to run, and risking her reputation by engaging more meaningfully and less glamorously in the debate would be to her credit.

The fact that she doesn't shows how much importance she places on her public image, which supports my view that a large part of her motivation has been in enhancing it.

Ironically, I think that whatever the papers said, people would respect her more and the depth of public feeling for her would be more enduring.

Madonna has millions, maybe Billions of fans worldwide. That's a lot of loyal receptive minds all open to her words and her wisdom. Imagine if she stopped talking to them about herself and kabbalah and started engaging them in things that matter.

All those shallow party heads turning round and having intelligent conversations in large numbers about things that need large numbers of people to talk about them if they are going to be changed.

The problem with pop stars is their egos. If instead of big dramatic once in a lifetime events like live 8, there was consistent highlighting of issues and HOW they might be dealt with and WHAT might be done by ordinary flks like you and me, people might once again feel enfranchised, involved, less marginalized, less apathetic and more inclined to vote and make their vote matter and to force their leaders to listen in other ways.

I hope you're right about the link being maintained - but every weekend? It'll be tough - and how long will it be maintained before it dwindles away?