The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95658   Message #1866407
Posted By: GUEST,Icelander
23-Oct-06 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iceland and whale hunting
Subject: RE: BS: Iceland and whale hunting
Hi again, I'm not monitoring the web, I just googled "iceland whale hunting" as I was curious to what I would find.

The 60% and 40% is from a survey made by Gallup.

It's here in icelandic
Gallup: Flestir hlynntir hvalveiðum

Rúmlega 73% Íslendinga eru fylgjandi hvalveiðum í atvinnuskyni en 11,5% eru mótfallin þeim. Þetta kemur fram í nýrri könnun Gallups, sem unnin var fyrir LÍU. Þá sýnir könnunin að tæp 73% þeirra sem farið hafa í hvalaskoðun, eru fylgjandi hvalveiðum.

Jón Gunnarsson, formaður Sjávarnytja, kallar á málefnalega umræðu um staðreyndir við Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar, sem lengi hafa barist gegn hvalveiðum.
« Til baka

It pretty much reads:
Over 73% of Icelandic people follow hunting whales, but 11,5% opose.
The survey also shows that 73% of those who have gone whale looking, support hunting whales.

Skarpi wrote that the whale was narrow, beause of food in the ocean not being enough. Whales eat by swimming with their mouth open, filling it with sea and then pushing the, water out leaving the food left inside to swallow. Icelandic fishermen have said for some years that whales are eating themselves off. Icelandic sea birds have for that last years not been able to feed themselves and their young, this is believed to be beacause the lack of food for them. They feed on the same food as whales.

I was not expecting this interest in my writing, but I just wanted to add another point of view, the whale debate has a tendance to be a bit to one side.