The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95700   Message #1867770
Posted By: Bobert
24-Oct-06 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet paper dispensers: Height?
Ummmmmm, upon further relection, screw tidy paper... Corn cobs good 'nuff fir my granddaddy and he lived to be 88 years old so corn cobs good nuff 'fir me...

Ummmmmm, Part B... Who really cares??? Womenz allways win this one so here's what I say... I say what we men needz is our own bathrooms that womenz ain't allowed to use... Then we can do what we men have to do, when we want to do it and where we want to do it... I built the P-Vine a bathroom in the new house and put everything in the dumb places that womenz want stuff... Fine, let her have her little bathroom fantasy, right???

The I have my "men's room" and I got all my funky rat that she hates in there and an old flour sack filled with good ol' Virginny growed corn cobs an' thats the way I like it... Ya' know, they don't make no corn cob dispensers, do they???

End of friggin' toidy paper dispenser argument...

Bobert (alias "Real Man", alias "No Toidy Issues Wuss", alias "Corn Cobs Rule", alias "Get the Heck Outta Here, I Built You Yours and This One is Mine", alias, "Always Throw the Cobs Down Wind"...)