The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95731   Message #1869539
Posted By: M.Ted
26-Oct-06 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: A new Rebetiko in both English & Greek
Subject: RE: A new Rebetiko in both English & Greek
I hadn't thought of it before, but there are some Morris elements there--my old Balkan music cohorts would shudder at the comparison, but only because Morris sides are not exotic enough for them--

Offhanded claims that this music and that dance have been passed down from ancient times are easy to make and very hard to prove. There are a thousand years of Byzantine Culture and five hundred years of Ottoman culture that have transpired in Asia Minor (and Greece, for that matter) since "ancient" times, broken up by many invasions, and one tends to think that these were the determinates in Pontic music and dance--