The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95595   Message #1869954
Posted By: GUEST,lox
27-Oct-06 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
Subject: RE: BS: A little Malawi boy and Madonna
You'd think that adoption was the best if not the only way to help.

It seems that madonna and her apologists are advocating without any sense of Irony that we should all be going and adopting kids from third world countries to do our bit to help.

YES - I think that approach SHOULD be discouraged. Madonna is WRONG to suggest that it is something to be encouraged.

It is a grossly irresponsible attitude to have.

Believe it or not there ARE OTHER WAYS of helping.

LOTS of other ways.

They involve trying to help the many rather than the few. They involve dealing with the issues surrounding the children properly.

She has advisors. She is surrounded by dignitaries who want their photo's taken with her who all possess enough information about how she can ACTUALLY BE OF REAL HELP to the children of Malawi and the country of malawi.

Again - to simplify

Adoption <-> poverty in malawi = SEPERATE ISSUES

The adoption thing is reprehensible. I'm sorry, but she has no excuse. Little David banda is the equivalent for madonna of one of those little reward stickers you get when you put money in a collecting jar on the high street.

"I'm a friend of malawi"

Is the kid going to wear a sweatshirt with the message "madonna saved me" on it? he might as well because he's going to known for it regardless of what the media say.

She has done it for herself. She wants the child and she gets what she wants.

Risks? - oh don't worry, she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it. She'll just give him a red bracelet and tell him to look within and how much it helped her.

She'll give him the same self centred crap that she gives the media and he'll never feel listened to.

Sorry, but she makes me puke.