The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95658   Message #1870246
Posted By: skarpi
27-Oct-06 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iceland and whale hunting
Subject: RE: BS: Iceland and whale hunting
It's paranoid behaviour, and chauvinism is never a sensible response.
My dear friend Paul , you dont know me at all and I dont care if US
army has left our country or not , raely I am glad that they are gone
now they dont have to spent any more time here in our country
with this bad people who seems to live here on this Island.

you say , I will pledge NOT to visit Iceland, Norway or Japan until they have their minds sorted out, and whenever possible I will avoid trading with them. Which means I'll hacve to get a new antivirus when my subscription to F-Prot runs out.

what if all the people who are against the war in Iraq would
not visit USA or UK while they are fighting in Iraq? thats many million s of people Paul.

And what give the US right to fish whales and Iceland not !
At the moment we have here to visit us many people from Greenpeace
and from travel companys who are telling us that they will
not sell any more trips to Iceland? its not gonna affect the coverment only the people who work at the tourist companys.

Paul I am not angry I am glad that we can talk about this and we agree with some and some we dont agree about but thats alright I respect your view. Well I have to go but If you ever come to our
great counrty send me an PM and I would like to meet up with you .

All the best from an Island
skarpi Iceland