The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18657   Message #187149
Posted By: Crowhugger
29-Feb-00 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them
Subject: RE: Help: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them

To someone with a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. Yup. I'm a quilter and there isn't any storage or decorating problem I can't solve with cloth, batting and plenty of thread!

If you are looking for racism, you can certainly find it or at least what you perceive to be racism. Sometimes. And sometimes society is in denial. Especially in Canada.

One can see racist sentiments in a song where the writer meant no such thing. The name for this is systemic racism. Most people don't intend to be racist.

Sophocleese and Troll:

Ages ago I thought long and hard to come up with sass for those who groan about political correctness. Until something better comes up, this is what I say in response to snide remarks or tones of voice about being PC: "Yes, Personal Consideration takes a lot of careful thought, doesn't it?" This generally has something of a shock effect, sometimes it's a complete conversation-stopper. But I simply must do what I can to offset the dehumanization of real people with real feelings and issues.

Troll again:

if you said "mankind" when referring to the human race ... someone would scream "sexist". I mean COME ON! Are we to assume (are you male?) that you feel included when you hear "womankind"?

To the several 'Catters who noticed that I'm first and foremost a person:

*singing loudly, not shouting* THANK YOU!

CH who is never too old to climb the tallest tree she can get into. As I stated earlier, when what you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. And when you're a nail, what does the world look like then?