The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1871728
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
29-Oct-06 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
"Ron, You've become a glutton for punishment. ...
Give it up guy!"

You are right. I apologize for wasting more time and space. At least I feel good that I made my points coherent, thought about the issues, and came to what I feel was a reasonable point of view.   Shambles has some legitimate gripes, but it won't go anywhere. It is not worth repeating the same points over and over again, and to be goaded into doing that. That is a tactic of Shambles that is very rude, yet it is something he won't acknowledge.   There are no new points being made, and it is obvious that some people refuse to listen and really think the issues through.   It just isn't worth it. Over a website? Please!!

Have fun everybody!