The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95989   Message #1871746
Posted By: Amos
29-Oct-06 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway JUG BAND MUSIC!! 2006
Subject: FSGW Getaway JUG BAND MUSIC!! 2006
If you want some insight into the origins and traditions of real middle-America Jugban Music, here's a wonderful overview.

Meanwhile I am looking for favorite songs of the Jugband genre to put together a lyrics file, partly for my own amusement, and also for anyone else who would want such a thing.

Jim Bunch and I will be happily co-hosting a Jug Band hour from 11 to 12 on Saturday at the Nature Center, and wopuld be delighted to see you there clapping, thumping, strumming, scrubbing, stomping, hooting, twanging or just humming along. Y'all come, hear?

Here are songs that come to mind as good JugBand material, mostly from my time with the Comstock Creek Jug Band in 19...never mind when. It was indecently long ago.

Take it Slow and Easy
Jugband Quartette (Jug Band Music)
Give Him Jugband Music
Darktown Strutter's Ball
Wives Don't Like Old Girlfriends
Ragged but Right
Ragtime Cowboy (Talk About a Cowboy!) Joe
Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?
Bill Bailey
Mornin' Blues/Mournin' Blues
Five Foot Two
Ain't She Sweet?
Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
Sweet Georgia Brown
Shimmy Like My Sister Kate
You Gotta See Mama Ev'ry Night
Making Whoopee
Doing that Lindy-Bird Across the Sea
Blues in the Bottle
Separation Blues
Crazy 'Bout My Loving

Hell, I know there are two million tunes in the notosphere that should be performed by a Jug Band, but I am open to suggestions for just a little sampler of the classic tunes that have Jug Band written all over 'em.

Your advice welcome!