The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95641   Message #1872426
Posted By: Cllr
30-Oct-06 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: a song about Aneurin Bevan
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: a song about Aneurin Bevan
Errmmm in the interest of fairness it was the liberals idea. It was actually Beveridge who came up with the founding of the welfare state in 1942 with The Beveridge Report, which included the foundation for the NHS both Labour and conservative said they would adopt it if they got in to power and it was Attlee who of course won The new system was partly built on and partially fundeed bythe National Insurance scheme set up by Lloyd George in 1911. NHS came in 1948 obviously with Bevan at the helm Imm not having a go at him!But be fair it is the Liberals specifically Beveridge to thank with a big nod to Lloyd George
