The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95944   Message #1873458
Posted By: Bobert
31-Oct-06 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
Well, as fir debatin'??? I'm a tad worn out and with the elections comin' up most folks have allready made up their minds and aren't up to discussin' much of anything that has more than one side to it... Me included...

I mean, lets get real here... Yer either with Bush or you ain't and next Tuesday should provide a litmis test of how many folks fall on which side...

Maybe after the elctions things will be ripe for arguin' and carryin' on but right now??? Nah... It's all been said for now...

Right, Dougie???
