The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18516   Message #187419
Posted By: Callie
01-Mar-00 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
Subject: RE: BS: Playin' Dylan songs in Public
I even love the Dylan songs praising god!! (Try "every Drop of Rain"!)

I also love the Eric Bogle song "I just won't sing any Bob Dylan" about a folkie who refuses to sing Dylan in all sorts of circumstances. ("No, no, a thousand times no; I'd rather see my life's blood spilling/I'll sing anything even god save the king/but I just won't sing any Bob Dylan") It's hilarious!

I remember seeing a tv show that showed Bob and Van Morrison jamming on a pier somewhere picturesque. They were just mucking about, but it sounded mighty fine.

Go Bob!
