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Thread #96064   Message #1874584
Posted By: GUEST,Who started the thread
02-Nov-06 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Subject: RE: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Old Guy, in my book, you win the title "dumb ass for the Republican right" here at Mudcat.

Kerry is an insensitive, arrogant, out of touch, inside the Beltway, rich white guy idiot. He was thus in 2004, and this latest sign of idiocy shows he hasn't evolved one iota.

While I'm no fan of the military, I do see what he said as an insult to the troops, and as I said earlier, an insult that reveals his true thinking in that in vino veritas sort of way.

Now, do I think his well-publicized by the right wing mean machine gaffe will have any effect on the outcome of any election? No. He isn't running for anything (although I think he is a great candidate for global village idiot), so the voters have no reason to tie him to their local races. Of course, Rove, et al are so desperately grasping at straws and strawmen, that this will likely be the "October surprise" of the right wing mean machine to swift boat us all over again.

Thing is, the planet sure as shit didn't need John F. Kerry to be at the helm of the swift boat, handing the October surprise to Rove on a silver platter.

I have the same burning hatred of Bush, et al as any true blue Dem. But I also have the same burning hatred of Kerry and the DLC.

Be forewarned Democratic apologists: any victories next week will NOT be about America turning to you for leadership, because you haven't shown a drop of leadership potential, and the lot of you are knee deep in the blood of Iraq.

And America knows it.