The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1874982
Posted By: GUEST
02-Nov-06 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Hey Shambles,

I may not be as good at editing other people's postings as you are but here are some comments that have appeared in this thread this week. Not one single one backs up anything that you have to say.Give it a break. No one agrees with you. You are all alone in your feelings about Mudcat. You are the one who is wrong and you are the one who should go. Stop making things miserable for everyone else. It is you and not the moderators who is making this site not a lot of fun. BEGONE! You are beginning to remind me of King Lear at the end of the play. A totally nonsensical old man who talks and talks but says nothing of value to anyone.

Read what your fellow posters are saying

From: number 6

It has been unanimous amongst us all (and for some time now) that we all feel it should at least be members only posting in the BS. Lets hope we don't have to keep posting these posts in this thread the same time next year.

From: MMario

My stand re: members only posting is both public and in the record. I leave it as an excercise for you to remember what it is - as I have told you before, and quite recently.

From: John 'Giok' MacKenzie

I prefer a Members Only scenario, as it would then be easier to stop spammers, and to exclude those who's interests don't coincide with those of this forum.

From: jacqui.c
Personally, I would welcome a change to members only forum.

Personally, I think they should continue to be involved as much as they wish. I don't think that there is a problem here.

I AGREE WITH YOU RON - I have never had a problem with any of the moderators and, when they have altered my thread titles I have seen the logic in the change.

Personally, I don't feel that there is any problem and Shambles is taking this out of context.

I AGREE WITH YOU RON - Joe does an excellent job, given the work he does on the site as a whole. I, personally, have no beef with what he does.