The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96064   Message #1875075
Posted By: Bobert
02-Nov-06 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Subject: RE: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
I.Q. = B.S.

Most teachers or former teachers, of which I am, will tell you that... They don't mean jack other than how one person did on a particular test on a particular day...

No, real intellegence is guaged more on what folks do in life... Some folks who were thought to have low I.Q.'s go on to do very well and other folks who have supposedly high I.q's can't figure much out at all...

George Bush falls into that later category... He has failed or done poorly at everything that he has attempted to do... He was virtually given a baseball team which he couldn't run properly... Then he was given an oil company which he ran into the ground... He signed up for the Texas Air National Guard and we know what happened there...

So it should come as no surprise that he is failing badly in his cuurent job which, BTW, like Harkin E#nergy and the Texas Rangers, was given to him...

Now having said this, does this make John Kerry a friggin' genius??? Nah, Kerry is probably a little more honest but not any smarter... Had both these guys been born into middle class families they would be like the guy who runs the local tire company...

Probably would have been better if both of them had been born into the middle class as, IMO, both have had a "pass" in life...
