The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2200   Message #1875146
Posted By: pdq
02-Nov-06 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Free Mexican Airforce (Peter Rowan)
Subject: RE: Free Mexican Airforce
I did not mean to sound argumentative as we probably agree here. I felt a need to place a slight objection to the Deadhead statement since many Grateful Dead fans were always clean, straight and sober. It was always about the music. Jerry took his work seriously. Rowan does not at times (seemingly) which may be part of your point.

Rowan's "Walls Of Time" was good enough in 1965 to make Bill Monroe's repertoire. "Land Of The Navajo" is a solid masterpiece. One of my personal favorites of all time. Especially the Muleskinner version. The album "...And The Red Hot Pickers" is worth having just for Statman, Greene and Keith, although I have not yet replaced the LP with the CD version. "Bluegrass Boy" is an amazing statement as he wrote all 12 songs - none about drugs!

Drug references in Commander Cody also keeps people from listening to a group that was both retro and ahead of their time. I wish "Down To Stems And Seeds Again Blues" was not on the "Live From Deep In The Heart Of Texas" record because I can't loan it to some of my newer friends. It's actually a parody of sad Country Music, not really pro-pot. The lead singing on that song is Bill Kirchen - probably the greatest Telecaster-slinger now working. And he works with Flaco...