The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96064   Message #1875189
Posted By: Teribus
03-Nov-06 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Subject: RE: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Bobert - 02 Nov 06 - 07:39 PM

"...real intellegence is guaged more on what folks do in life... Some folks who were thought to have low I.Q.'s go on to do very well and other folks who have supposedly high I.q's can't figure much out at all...

George Bush falls into that later category... He has failed or done poorly at everything that he has attempted to do... He was virtually given a baseball team which he couldn't run properly... Then he was given an oil company which he ran into the ground... He signed up for the Texas Air National Guard and we know what happened there...

So it should come as no surprise that he is failing badly in his cuurent job which, BTW, like Harkin E#nergy and the Texas Rangers, was given to him..."

All of the above are Bobert Facts, i.e. they are incorrect, totally inaccurate and poorly presented (Bobert can't even get them in their correct chronological order).

Harkin Energy was given to GWB? No it wasn't Bobert, Harkin Energy bought out the small independent company that GWB had formed with his own money. Part of the deal was that GWB stayed with Harkin and was given stock in Harkin. Judge for yourselves people was this a success or failure - GWB made money on the deal, and kept himself employed. Harkin went after a contract that was outwith its core business expertise, GWB raised his objections to it and when the decision to proceed was taken he voted with his stock and his feet and left. The money realised, he invested in the Texas Rangers - nothing was "given". By the way Bobert, GWB at no time "ran" the team, he invested in it, there is a great difference. By the time he sold his stock in the Texas Rangers, he had again doubled or tripled his investment - as a business venture success, or failure people?

As for the time spent in the Texas Air National Guard. Yes Bobert, we do indeed, "know what happened there". Lt G. W. Bush qualified operational on the F-102A Delta Dagger All Weather Interceptor Fighter, a type of aircraft that was notoriously "difficult" to fly (Around 750 of these aircraft were built, 24% of those aircraft crashed, very few were lost in combat). He was regarded by his training officers as being in the top 5% of the programme.

The relative IQ's, Bush's detractors here on this forum depict him as being dumb, low IQ, brain cell like a ball-bearing rattling around in a freight car. Yet they also state (Ron Davies) that he was responsible for deliberate lies and numerous deceptions that led to the war in Iraq. Sorry guys you can't have it both ways. I realise that what follows is an over-simplification but I feel that it applies in a broadbrush sort of way. To tell the truth at all times requires no effort, no intelligence, it requires little or no thought. To tell a lie in such a way that that lie can be sold as credible, and be sustained, on the otherhand, requires a great deal of effort. It requires a great deal of intelligence, it requires phenominal memory and total recall with regard to context - So which is it folks?

The other great misrepresentation that has been voiced on this thread (by Ron Davies) with regard to GWB - GWB is identified as the person, "...who started an unnecessary war--by choice, and by a despicable propaganda campaign--and is therefore responsible for all the deaths that have resulted from that war." Is Ron attempting to sell the idea that in all of what happened that Saddam Hussein was blameless? Iraq as a threat to the interests of the United States of America, to the stability of the region and the to the security of allies of the United States of America in the region, because of Iraq's non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolutions agreed to by Iraq at Safwan was established during the Clinton's second term. The adoption of, and stated foreign policy of the USA with regard to the desireability of "Regime Change in Iraq" was set during the second term of the Clinton Administration. It was not the sole idea of GWB and did not commence in 2000.

GWB won the 2000 Presidential election - ask Al Gore and the Democratic Party, they conceded.

GWB certainly won the 2004 Presidential election, so again Bobert, nothing was "given" to him.