The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96064   Message #1875503
Posted By: Donuel
03-Nov-06 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
Subject: RE: BS: Leave it to dumb ass Kerry...
The Daily show said it best. They showed the "BAD" jokes of GWB,
"Oops, no WMD's here, oops no WMD's there, oh well at least we got Saddam"
joke as told by GWB at WHPC dinner.

oops 30,000 maimed US troops, Oops 3 or 4 dead US troops a day, oops nearly a million Iraqis killed, oops depleted uranium caused a few birth defects for the next 50,000 years.

oops, we aren't supposed to mention that.